Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blue Sky Boogie

oooh we have had such lovely beautiful weather last couple days..
cannot complain! just heaven!
and of course, I had to play with camera.. wonderful sky and sunshine!

these are all from our windows and balconies..we got so happy when we woke up and saw this beauty that I decided to make pancakes!
It had been raining and super windy for days..we had not been really outside in 4 days, longest for a long time.

And I washed all the laundry we had.. we had laundry drying out all over our balcony and roof.
 I just love the summer breeze when laundry dries out fast..In 1 hour you have dry laundry!

while the laundry machine was on we opened our roof back to life

The sky was so mad blue I got "creative" haha..

and then we ran to the beach! We had all already missed "our "little beach.
its crazy how world looks so much more beautiful when the sun is shining bright!

we have a nearly a kilometre to go down from our mountain-hill to the beach.. kids were so happy to go to beach that I had to run after them ..Someday I will go alone and take more pictures, lovely houses and views on the way.

And then when we hit the beach kids just ran and ran and ran.. they had really missed it! -The Beach-

TODAY.. was even warmer.. summer is coming summer is coming summer is coming.. yeaaaah!

we took finally Oskar's new Kite with us, and what a kite! my sister sent it to Oskar from Bali and it has been up hiding so that kids dont break it. But today daddy finally fixed it.. and the sky was ours!

It was so hot we did not want to leave the beach, kids took their pants and shirts off ..

what a lovely lovely day at the beach with our friends, lovely families we have met here! kids love to play together and we adults.. getting along great as well! Perfect!

And our little Ines has found her first ever "best friend forever" - these girls are just so cute together..

Tomorrow is going to be just as great weather as today ( atleast they said so in the news ) so guess what we are doing-. we are going to the beach!

When you live here, beach is Everything!

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