Sunday, April 10, 2011

Voting makes the world a better place!

This week sun has been shining brighter than ever and it has been really hot again. Loving it! We finally got our first flowers to our roofterrace.. the grand beginning of a green world to be. So now it better stay nice and no crazy rainstormmonsoon-seasons. Thank you! Winter is better be over! I need to find a Garden Shop - Im usually quite unpatient person and I want some plants -now :D 

Also you can really tell sun is bright, look at the color of our carpet outside.. hih.

Yesterday was a big day in our Andalucian Happenings again. Finland is having Parliament Elections and we also went to cast our opinions. It does count! We are all important! We have always voted in every elections and therefore it was obvious for us to do so from here as well. Also we have had always kids with us to see the action, so they knew already whats gonna happen and were asking all sorts of questions.. 
This part of Andalucia is so full of Finnish people that even the voting was easy. In all the little towns around here, Torremolinos, Benalmadena and Fuengirola they had voting places, so no need to go to Embassy or Consulate. The only tough thing was to find a perfect candidate, when you live abroad you think of different things, what you want. But at the end, I found my number too. Yiuhaa! We had voted!

Afterwords we went for Pizza and Ice-Cream- as it is a tradition in Finland to go for " Election Coffee and Cakes". It did feel quite funny to think of Finnish Politics when its +30 outside and the beach next to us, jacuzzi in hard use and I have not been wearing socks for weeks now. In Finland the snow is just about starting to melt away.. 

last night we had superb sunset again.. aaah I wish I had better camera to capture all the beauty better!

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